Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Savings in Tough Economic Times

In my book, "A Pocketbook of Hope in Tough Economic Times" I talk a lot about innovation and how during tough economic times we must think differently or innovate in order to remain competitive. This strategy rings true during the holidays when everyone is spending. Although many of us are spending, we could also be savings. Not only should we be finding new innovative ways to stretch our dollars, we should also cut back on some of the unnecessary items in our lives. I use one simple and easy strategy to help me save money during this season, it's called institution, substitution and resolution.

Although Webster's defines institution as an organization, establishment, foundation, society, or the like, devoted to the promotion of a particular cause, as a business woman I see my vast network as an organization and I partner with them to support many of my causes. So why not leverage those relationships to save money over the holidays?

Therefore, step one involves reaching out to your network and asking for help. It is written, that if you ask it shall be given and this is what this strategies does. When I'm looking for a particular deal or something, I ask my network, if they know anyone or any store that has this at an affordable price? You will be amazed what great deals you can find within your network. One friend of mine, who is a stay-at-home mom even started clipping holiday coupons for me, as she clipped hers; thus saving me time and money. Because I could not be in two places at one time, another friend offered to get up early on the day after Thanksgiving to get a Netbook for me that was advertised for only $299.00.

Step two, I look at all of things higher priced things that I buy, as well as to where I purchase them from and I ask myself, "Is there a cheaper substitute?" "Can I get this same merchandise somewhere else for a lower price and if so, will the quality be just as good or at least can I live with the quality?" If so, the next move is to begin the substitution process. For example instead of purchasing an ink cartridge from my local printer who has always done my holiday cards for me, I found that I could save a whopping 38% by shopping at Staples by doing it myself. The cards turned out fabulous. On top of that, when I return my ink cartridges, I save even more money because Staples will send me coupons every month to offset the price of my purchases.

The final step is resolution, I have learned that in order to reach my goals, I must have the resolve to do it. This resolve includes clearly writing my savings goal down. Again, writing down a goal not only makes it real, but also creates accountability and creates a checkpoint. At least two times a month, I look at check book, receipts and savings goals to measure how far I've come to reaching my goal. If I'm still far away from my goal, that usually means that I have to eliminate something. This could include eliminating unnecessary spending items from my budget like instead of going to Starbucks, I brew my own coffee instead.

Some of these measures may seem difficult at first, but in the long run, it's easy to decide whether or not live worry free over the holidays or be filled with worries. I prefer to sit by Christmas tree, sip on egg nog and enjoy the holidays worry free. One way to live worry free in these tough economic times is to stretch your hard earned dollars as far as they can go. This one simple strategy will help you enjoy the holidays worry free and save money.

For additional savings tips, join the discussion on TwitterMoms!

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Success feels so good

Today was a glorious today. I finally got in touch with that potential client. I made the call first thing this morning. We signed the contract at 11:00, two hours later.

Hardwork, coupled with relentless pursuit really does pay off (pun totally intended).

If you remember yesterday, I was frustrated and tired. My hopes were almosted depleted until I remembered whose child I was. My faith was rewarded.

Success are steps, sometimes crawls, putting one foot in front of the other, believing that each step that we take gets us closer to our goals.

Keep Stepping!

From the Heart of A Princess

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Still potential in a time of doubt

Today was a very hard workday. I spent what seemed like eons searching for a viable solution for a potential client.

You see, I only get paid by delivering solutions that work.

After an exhaustive search, I found a solution that would work for this potential client. Excited, I called the potential client to share the good news.

Deflated, as I dialed the potential client's contact numbers and listened to the voice mail come on not one, but two and three times. My glowing enthusiasm became dimmer with each call.

I was ecstatic when someone finally answered one of the lines, but deflated once again when I was told the potential client was "unavailable".

As the rainbow rises beneath a dreary and rainy day, so did my hope and faith as I recalled the steps behind me. I remembered that some days on a journey are long, hard, arduous, exhaustive and downright cynical to say the least. Sometimes you'll feel like you are traveling all alone, but you are not. That's a lie. It's an illusion like water dramatically appearing in a desert. I'm reminded that I and you are not alone. God is with us.

What held me together today is that...

He knows my work. He knows my effort. He will reward me, if not today, another day. He rewards are always timely. I never travel alone, nor do you. Not only am I traveling with you, so is He. We are wonderfully blessed!

It was a good day afterall.

Happy Stepping!

From the Heart of A Princess

I know, I know, you may be a know-it-all, but...

In life, as well as in the relentless pursuit of a goal, there are knowns and unknowns.

There are some things in this life that we know absolutely for sure, that is called "I know, I know" and other times there are things we know that we don't know. At times we surprise ourselves with what we know, that's called "I don't know, I know". Not too long ago I experienced this in downtown Chicago, when I heard gunshots. I took off running along with the crowd. I was breathless when I finally stopped, I turned around and realized that I ran so fast, I had left the crowd several feet behind me. In this instance, I simply didn't know that I could run so fast. Most of us know this for sure, that there are many things that we know we don't know, unless we are a know-it-all, this is called "I know, I don't know". And sometimes there are just some things we just don't know and we don't even know what they are. Those are times when we are clueless and that state is called, "I don't know, I don't know."

Below is a chart demonstrating our various known and unknown states:



The things we kown and the things that we don't know are simply no fault of our own. Blaming ourselves for our ignorance or perceived limitations does nothing but block our progress, therefore let it go. Promise yourself, as I will promise myself, that I will begin today identifying what I'm good at and what I'm not so good at. I will identify my strengths, skills, abilities and successes. I will write them down. I will identify those things that challenge me. I will write them down. I will identify the things that I want to learn. I will write them down. I will remember the times when I surprised myself by what I knew and I will write them down.

In order to reach the goals we set for ourselves, we must know where we triumph and where we falter. This process of list building begins us on the path of discovery. It will help us to determine our ability and preparedness for our journey.

The journey and process that we are on right now is like packing a bag. Did you forget you are on a journey? Both you and I are taking one step at a time, together we are reaching our goals. We're going somewhere absolutely fantastic. I'm so anxious there, I wish I could fly, but I won't be. I plan on being successful, so I'm planning for myself and not jumping with blinders on. Ok, ok, ok...I got a little off topic. We're packing our bags now. Well, since we are traveling together, we do need to know what to pack right? We need to identify things that already have. We need to know what things we don't have. We need to know the things we may have to buy or borrow. We may have to hire an expert or instructor to help us on our journey. We might have to take a class or something? I don't know what else may be required to help us on our journey, but we are just making a list right now. I think the list is going to help us figure it all. We're getting ready.

We are starting today.

Happy stepping!

From the Heart of A Princess

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'd rather be flying

Indeed, I'd rather be flying.

The end goal is almost always much sexier and more exciting than taking the necessary steps required to achieve a goal. Of course, one could start off flying and many do, but in most cases, this is quite risky, dangerous and possibly deadly.

Flying, like most goals require proper planning, education, training and some incremental success and experiences.

My personal end goal is not flying, but in order to achieve my goal, I have to start. Starting always seems to be the most difficult step in pursuing any goal. Why? Because, it's hard. Starting requires one to do what Michael Jackson asked us in one of his number one songs, "To Make A Change." Although change is difficult, it is not impossible, especially if you plan to succeed.

I plan on succeeding.
I plan on taking the action steps necessary to achieve my goal.
I plan on being relentless in pursuit of my goal.

One of the first steps to achieve a goal is to identify it, write it down, make it real. Don't just talk about or dream about it, as my grandfather used to say, "Simply be about it"

Ok so my first step; identify the goal.

My goal is to live the life I dream about.

The life I becoming debt free, and living a worry free financial life, not only in retirement, but in my present life as well.

Now, what's your goal?

The next step is to identify what is preventing me from reaching my goal. The challenges will be addressed in the next post.

Happy Stepping!

From the Heart of A Princess